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The 21-Day Novel Jumpstart

Got an idea for a story? Let's write Chapter One together.

Here's what awaits you ...

Idea → first chapter

Our mini-course will teach you how to craft an exciting first chapter that pulls readers in and won't let them go.

Words that flow

Before the workshop is over, you'll create an outline for the rest of your novel. This will help you keep on writing till it's finished.

New friends

In our chat group, you'll meet your fellow writers, share knowledge, and hold each other accountable to get it done.

A brand-new way to write your novel.

Our unique platform and writing community can help you get it done ... in a way you've never tried before.

Avoid making the biggest mistakes.

They can tank your whole novel!

Many new writers make the critical mistake of taking on too much at first.

Maybe you've done this ...

You dive too deep into world building, get tangled up in complex side plots, or attempt to create a series and plan out multiple books.

It's a go-get-'em attitude I love to see, but if you're a first-timer, this can easily derail your writing efforts.

Instead, focus on the most important thing: getting your first chapter down on paper.

Starting on Day 1, you'll learn how to turn your simple idea into a story.

Then, you'll learn what should be in your first chapter—and just as importantly, what shouldn't.

You'll write a little each day, while giving and receiving feedback with other writers in our chat group.

After 21 days, you'll have: So, clear your desk ... and let's focus on the most important thing right now: writing a brilliant first chapter.

By the way, it's free.

Hands down, this is the most effective way to conquer your first chapter.

And it won't cost you a penny!

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